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Here’s a bit of what you’ll see when you hit that subscribe button: Reader, author, professor, radio show host, columnist. Best advice I ever got? ‘Only connect …’ E.M. Forster and I want to connect with you!

So, glad you’re here for essays about the arts, books, movies, all things literary and Write it! Some posts that have special treats and tips you won’t find anywhere else are paid—but most are free and I give you: so far twenty lessons and possibly more. I invite you to do a guest post for me if you’re a paid subscriber. I’ll help you if you need it.

I’m posting in serial format with lots of photos my memoir. Click these links, the highlighted stuff: (Re)Making Love (not what you’re thinking :)!

I’m the author also of the collected short stories The Woman Who Never Cooked and the novel Who by FireYou’ll find clips of me at some pretty cute (I hope, anyway) book talks. 

Here’s a post about cool flicks to give you an idea of how I started here. Click below the butterfly photo.

<Mary’s Newsletter "Only connect ...">
Love and the Butterfly Effect
Have you given up finding the right guy, the right gal? Do you think there’s nowhere to meet anyone anymore, that men are still boys, that women want commitment and children and big weddings—all promised on date three? That men, gay or straight, don’t want monogamy, let alone marriage…
Read more

You’ll find more free movie reviews with lots of trailers and I’ll surprise you: Not what you expect, for sure. So take a gander … and if you have a story up your sleeve (old or new), maybe stuck on something, you’ll also like this:

I can help! I’ll answer questions directly to you in Notes (so follow me) or do a post especially for you that others can read—or both.

If you write me at marytabor@substack.com, I’ll give you a free week to paid posts.

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Subscribe to Mary Tabor "Only connect ..."

The arts, books, movies, all things literary, a course: Write it! How to get started, The Writing Life, Write it! course, (Re)Making Love: a memoir in serial chapters, Who by Fire: a novel in serial chapters


Reader, author, professor, radio show host, columnist. Best advice I ever got? ‘Only connect …’ E.M. Forster. https://marytabor.substack.com