Apr 5Liked by <Mary L. Tabor>

Mary, I'm so glad I'm re-reading your memoir. I realise now that I read it too quickly the first time around. I really enjoyed it at the time but I didn't give it time to sit with me. Now, I'm taking my time with each chapter (and also applying to them a lot that you've discussed with Eleanor on "This Writing Life") and I can see a lot better the richness of what you did here. I'm particularly enjoying how each chapter takes us in an unexpected direction, while at the same time building on what you shared before.

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I really enjoyed this. And Donne's "Teach me to hear mermaids singing" is a gorgeous line, isn't it?

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by <Mary L. Tabor>

Literally: If you find yourself traveling at the speed of light, you're already light. Einstein's relativity proves, and countless experimental observations show, that you cannot get there from a lower speed without using all the energy in the universe.

Teacher and Student: Without sex, but like sex, they create something new for both.

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Mary, Mary, the lives we lead. This just keeps getting better, the revelations well paced, the ironies, shall we say piquant? The use of Donne, and the selections, is superb. What's your relationship to kitchens now?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by <Mary L. Tabor>

This gives new life to "literal meanings." The paragraph beginning: Bongiorno continues to advise ... is so poignant and has stuck. It's wonderful how you have blended Bongiorno's teachings with your own experience. I am going to look up more on Andrew Bongiorno. Thanks, Mary.

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