Oh, Robert. I feel for him so much, and I also find myself wanting to shake him a bit.

Beautifully done, my friend.

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I feel the same about Robert. You nailed what I intended, lovely.

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The description of the Rothko room is everything I hope it will be when I finally have a chance to see those paintings in person (bucket list item). I know this style of paintings is not for everyone, but I have always loved Rothko's invitation for contemplation. Unrelated, I fall more deeply in love with these characters each week. Can't wait for this story to keep going. 🥰

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Both your love of Rothko and especially the story endear you to me. I thank you so, Susan.

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It seems like the constant complaint of every man: That my life is out of order because my wife is out of touch. I just love that line because it makes so much sense in so many different ways. I heard an old man one time in an interview talking about the secret to longevity in marriage and he said the secret was not to fall out of love at the same time. I thought, that's ridiculous, but then, I'd only been married ten years. And now, forty years on? I understand. Life DOES sometimes get out of order. Excellent!

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What a grand comment, with the personal added, My Thanks, Ben, big time!

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Your ability to allow us into the mind of your characters is astounding Mary, how you make us feel like they feel, touch was they touch.

"It was as if I’d never heard before this music that I’d memorized and now recalled in the chaos of wind and water. And I was sitting in front of a painting. That was all and it was enough."

This is beautiful... x

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Oh, what a dear you are to say this. You've made a writer friend with this comment! xo Mary

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This takes me back to St. Ives (UK where I lived for over a decade), where I 'met' Rothko in the Tate Gallery. It was love at first sight.

Robert trying to make sense of his life, and wife, reflected in his struggle to make sense of Rothko´s paintings, and/or Rothko's large scale fields of colour offering portals for Robert to step into his own emotional landscape.

"My life, out of order because my wife seems out of reach." ~ as a reader I feel instantly drawn into Robert's world because of this struggle to understand what's going on in his life... the human tragedy in a nutshell 💜 🙏

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Such a wise read, Veronika. Means so much!

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Robert’s love, however bound, is so real and true Mary. It’s painful to feel the restraint and regret, yet still unwilling to offer his own vulnerability, so how could she ever reach out and connect in the way he wants?

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You do so get this and I am so grateful to you and for your presence in my literary life--and looking forward to interviewing you--though still working on how to get a transcript for what we'll be doing in January, love.

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Love this, Mary. I feel like I'm strolling through the character's mind.

"Fitting. My life, out of order because my wife seems out of reach.

The floors confuse the average visitor. But I’m not the average visitor. I can see the floor plan. I can see how the architect designed the flow of people."

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Means so much, Russell, that you read and commented with such a grand thought about the writing--and a quote of what's there. Made my day.

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